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What happens if my Planning application is refused?

A planning application can be refused for a variety of reasons, including issues with the design, impact on the local area, or compliance with planning regulations. When a planning application is refused, it can be a frustrating and confusing experience for the applicant. However, it is important to understand the reasons for the refusal and the options available after a refusal has been issued.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of what happens when a planning application is refused:

  1. Notification of Refusal: The applicant will be notified in writing of the refusal, detailing the reasons for the decision and the evidence that was considered by the planning authorities. This will usually include a written report from the planning officer, who is responsible for evaluating the application.

  2. Review of Refusal: The applicant should carefully review the reasons for the refusal and consider any additional evidence or information that may be required to support the application. This may include additional drawings, surveys, or other information that can help address the concerns raised in the refusal.

  3. Appeal: If the applicant is not satisfied with the refusal, they may have the option to appeal the decision. This can be done by submitting a formal appeal to the local planning authority or to the Secretary of State. The appeal process typically involves a hearing or inquiry, where the applicant can present their case and the planning authority can defend their decision.

  4. Resubmission: Alternatively, the applicant may choose to resubmit the planning application, taking into account the reasons for the refusal and making any necessary changes to the design or proposal. It is important to address any concerns raised in the refusal and to provide clear and detailed information to support the application.

  5. Time Limits: It is important to note that there are time limits for submitting an appeal or resubmitting a planning application. The time limit for submitting an appeal is typically 6 months from the date of the refusal, while the time limit for resubmitting a planning application is typically 12 months.

  6. Professional Assistance: It is recommended to seek professional assistance from a planning consultant, architect, or solicitor, who can help to navigate the planning process and provide guidance on the options available after a planning application has been refused.

In conclusion, a refused planning application can be a frustrating and confusing experience, but it is important to understand the reasons for the refusal and the options available after a refusal has been issued. This may include appealing the decision, resubmitting the application, or seeking professional assistance to help navigate the process.