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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Kitchen Extension

5 Common Mistakes when doing a kitchen extension

Undertaking a kitchen extension project can be a significant investment in your home, but the rewards can be well worth it.

Here are some top tips to consider when undertaking a kitchen extension:

Have a clear plan in place before starting the project, including determining the size and layout of the extension, and the materials to be used.

  • Make sure to budget for the project and obtain all necessary permits and approvals.

  • Don’t skimp on the design of the space. Put thought into the layout, materials, and overall look and feel of the extension.

  • Hire a professional designer or architect to help with the design process.

  • Choose the right contractor by researching and getting references, and looking for those with experience in kitchen extensions.

  • Ask about the contractor’s process, materials, and timeline for completing the project.

  • Shop around and get multiple bids to find the right contractor for your project.

  • Consider the cost of appliances and fixtures when budgeting for the extension.

  • Choose appliances and fixtures that fit your budget and style.

  • Compare prices to ensure you are getting the best deal.

  • Consider energy efficiency when adding the extension.

  • Choose energy-efficient appliances and fixtures.

  • Use insulation and other energy-saving measures to reduce energy bills and make your home more environmentally friendly.

  • Proper planning, well-designed space, the right contractor, budgeting for appliances and fixtures and considering energy efficiency are all key to a successful kitchen extension project.

  • Avoiding common mistakes can help create a beautiful and functional new space that will add value to your home.

  • A kitchen extension is a significant investment and should be approached with care and attention to detail.

  • A well-designed kitchen extension can add value to your home and make it a more enjoyable place to live.

  • Hiring the right contractor is critical to the success of the project.

  • Do not overlook the cost of appliances and fixtures.

  • It’s also important to consider energy efficiency when planning a kitchen extension.

    In conclusion, a successful kitchen extension project requires proper planning, a well-designed space, choosing the right contractor, budgeting for appliances and fixtures, and considering energy efficiency. By avoiding common mistakes, homeowners can create a beautiful and functional new space that will add value to their home.